Below is a list of frequently asked questions. If you do not find the answers to your questions here, then please go to the BIOSYNETERRA contact page and submit your questions there. We will endeavour to respond as soon as possible.
Q: What are Mycorrhizal Fungi?
A: "Mycor" - "rhiza" literally means "fungus" - "root" and defines the mutually beneficial relationship between the plant root and fungus. These specialized fungi colonize plant roots and extend far into the soil environment. Mycorrhizal fungal filaments in the soil are extensions of root systems and are more efficient at absorbing nutrients and water than the roots.
Q: What plants form mycorrhizal roots?
A: Over 90% of the world's plant species form mycorrhizal roots and require the beneficial association for maximum performance, especially in difficult conditions.
Q: How do mycorrhizal fungi increase nutrient uptake?
A: These fungi increase the surface absorbing area of roots 10 to 100 times, greatly improving the ability of the plants to exploit soil resources. Estimates of the quanity of mycorrhizal filaments present in a bottle cap of soil can be several kilometers long! Mycorrhizal fungi also increase nutrient uptake by associating with other microbes (ie: bacteria) and release compounds into the soil that dissolve nutrients such as phosphorous, iron and other "tightly bound" soil nutrients. Mycorrhizal fungi form an intricate web that traps and assimilates nutrients and in the process, also takes up significantly more water and store it.
Q: What other functions can mycorrhizal fungi do?
A: Mycorrhizal fungi also contribute to improving soil structure. Mycorrhizal filaments produce organic "glues" (extracellular polysaccharides or sugars) that bind soils into aggregates and improve soil porosity. Soil porosity and soil structure positively influence the growth of plants by promoting aeration, water movement into soil, root growth, and distribution.
Q: Don't soils contain mycorrhizal fungi?
A: Non-disturbed soils are rich with mycorrhizal fungi and other beneficial soil organisms. However, cultural practices can decrease the mycorrhiza-forming potential of soil. Tillage, chemical fertilization, removal of topsoil, road and home construction, fumigation and leaving soils bare are some of the activities that can decrease or eliminate these beneficial soil fungi. In such areas, reintroducing mycorrhizal fungi significantly improves plant establishment and growth.
Q: Are there different types of mycorrhizal products available?
A: Yes, there are several different products and formulations depending on the specific needs and applications. These can include granulars, powders, liquids and maybe combined with root biostimulants, humic acids, fertilizers, water absorbent gels and even other beneficial organisms to stimulate roots and improve plant survival and growth.
Q: How do you apply mycorrhizal fungi?
A: The secret is to make sure the inoculum comes in direct contact with plant roots. Mycorrhizal inoculum can be sprinkled onto roots during transplanting, worked into seed beds, blended into potting soil, "watered-in" via existing irrigation systems, applied as a root dip gel or probed into the root zone of existing plants. The type of application depends upon the conditions and needs of the end user.
Q: Is mycorrhizal inoculation expensive?
A: Mycorrhizal inoculation is not expensive. Typically, for small plants, the cost varied from less than a penny to a few cents per seedling. “Pennies a plantlet!!”